

There are different approaches to software design. One is the waterfall design method. This method involves a number of stages. The business experts put up a set of requirements which are communicated to the business analysts. The analysts create a model based on those requirements, and pass the results to the developers, who start coding based on what they have received. It’s a one way flow of knowledge. While this has been a traditional approach in software design, and has been used with a certain level of success over the years, it has its flaws and limits. The main problem is that there is no feedback from the analysts to the business experts or from the developers to the analysts.

Modelling the domain

A better approach is to closely relate domain modeling and design. The model should be constructed with an eye open to the software and design considerations. Developers should be included in the modeling process. The main idea is to choose a model which can be appropriately expressed in software, so that the design process is straightforward and based on the model. Tightly relating the code to an underlying model gives the code meaning and makes the model relevant.

Those who write the code should know the model very well, and should feel responsible for its integrity. They should realize that a change to the code implies a change to the model; otherwise they will refactor the code to the point where it no longer expresses the original model. If the analyst is separated from the implementation process, he will soon lose his concern about the limitations introduced by development. The result is a model which is not practical.

Any technical person contributing to the model must spend some time touching the code, whatever primary role he or she plays on the project. Anyone responsible for changing code must learn to express a model through the code. Every developer must be involved in some level of discussion about the model and have contact with domain experts. Those who contribute in different ways must consciously engage those who touch the code in a dynamic exchange of model ideas through the Ubiquitous Language.

Modules and cohesion

Another reason for using modules is related to code quality. It is widely accepted that software code should have a high level of cohesion and a low level of coupling. While cohesion starts at the class and method level, it can be applied at module level. It is recommended to group highly related classes into modules to provide maximum cohesion possible. There are several types of cohesion. Two of the most used are communicational cohesion and functional cohesion. Communicational cohesion is achieved when parts of the module operate on the same data. It makes sense to group them, because there is a strong relationship between them. The functional cohesion is achieved when all parts of the module work together to perform a well-defined task. This is considered the best type of cohesion.


Terefore, use Aggregates. An Aggregate is a group of associated objects which are considered as one unit with regard to data changes. The Aggregate is demarcated by a boundary which separates the objects inside from those outside. Each Aggregate has one root. The root is an Entity, and it is the only object accessible from outside. The root can hold references to any of the aggregate objects, and the other objects can hold references to each other, but an outside object can hold references only to the root object. If there are other Entities inside the boundary, the identity of those entities is local, making sense only inside the aggregate.

How is the Aggregate ensuring data integrity and enforcing the invariants? Since other objects can hold references only to the root, it means that they cannot directly change the other objects in the aggregate. All they can do is to change the root, or ask the root to perform some actions. And the root will be able to change the other objects, but that is an operation contained inside the aggregate, and it is controllable. If the root is deleted and removed from memory, all the other objects from the aggregate will be deleted too, because there is no other object holding reference to any of them. When any change is done to the root which indirectly affects the other objects in the


Therefore, a new concept is necessary to be introduced, one that help to encapsulate the process of complex object creation. This is called Factory. Factories are used to encapsulate the knowledge necessary for object creation, and they are especially useful to create Aggregates. When the root of the Aggregate is created, all the objects contained by the Aggregate are created along with it, and all the invariants are enforced


Bounded contexts

The main idea is to define the scope of a model, to draw up the boundaries of its context, then do the most possible to keep the model unified. It is hard to keep a model pure when it spans the entire enterprise project, but it is much easier when it is limited to a specified area. Explicitly define the context within which a model applies. Explicitly set boundaries in terms of team organization, usage within specific parts of the application, and physical manifestations such as code bases and database schemas. Keep the model strictly consistent within these bounds, but don’t be distracted or confused by issues outside.

Continuous Integration

👉 Continuous Integration

A model is not fully defined from the beginning. It is created, then it evolves continuously based on new insight in the domain and feedback from the development process. That means that new concepts may enter the model, and new elements are added to the code. All these need are to be integrated into one unified model, and implemented accordingly in code. That’s why Continuous Integration is a necessary process within a Bounded Context. We need a process of integration to make sure that all the new elements which are added fit harmoniously into the rest of the model, and are implemented correctly in code. We need to have a procedure used to merge the code. The sooner we merge the code the better. For a single small team, daily merges are recommended. We also need to have a build process in place. The merged code needs to be automatically built so it can be tested. Another necessary requirement is to perform automated tests. If the team has a test tool, and has created a test suite, the test can be run upon each build, and any errors are signaled. The code can be easily changed to fix the reported errors, because they are caught early, and the merge, build, and test process is started again. Continuous Integration is based on integration of concepts in the model, then finding its way into the implementation where it is tested. Any inconsistency of the model can be spotted in the

Context maps

An enterprise application has multiple models, and each model has its own Bounded Context. It is advisable to use the context as the basis for team organization. People in the same team can communicate more easily, and they can do a better job integrating the model and the implementation. While every team works on its model, it is good for everyone to have an idea of the overall picture. A Context Map is a document which outlines the different Bounded Contexts and the relationships between them. A Context Map can be a diagram like the one below, or it can be any written document. The level of detail may vary. What it is important is that everyone working on the project shares and understands it.

TODO Shared Kernel

TODO Customer-Suppler

TODO Conformist

TODO Anticorruption Layer

TODO Separate Ways

TODO Open Host Service