- The 2020 State of the Octoverse
- Especially the Security Report
- Introducing your team to Go (Golang)
- Start with a small project
- Lots of devs write code, but writing good software is hard
- Golang is backwards compatible
- doesn’t do to much magic (like Ruby)
- is also an advantage
- It might be a good start for a CLI tool
- Managers don’t need to hire Go talents
- a motivated dev might easily learn it
- managers are not aware about that (also lots of non-gophers search jobs with Go because they want to learn the language)
- be clear about expectations (if Go code can do better than others)
- Clean Architectures in Python (Python)
- A practical approach to better software design using clean architecture
- Clean Architecture, the right way (Golang)
- this is the Golang way