- Elastic Compute Cloud
- still “only” a web service
Pricing models
- on-demand
- fixed by rate hour/seconds
- low cost and flexible
- reserved
- capacity reservation
- discount on the hourly charge
- used for web servers
- ready state or predictable usage
- up-front payments
- spot
- enables you to bid whatever price you want
- apps feasible at low compute prices
- urgent need for large amounts of extra capacity
- dedicated hosts
- like dedicated servers
- helps you w/ licensing
- for regulatory requirements (e.g. multi-tenant virtualization)
- purchased on-demand (hourly)
Instance types
Remember the letters: DR MC GIFTPX or FIGHT DR MCPX
- D: density
- R: RAM
- M: main choice
- C: compute
- G: graphics
- T: cheap/general purpose
- P: graphics (think of pics)
- X: xtreme memory
Use of bash scripts (after booting)
Retrieve metadata
$ curl
Placement groups
- grouping of instances within a single AZ
- recommended for apps that need low latency, high net throughput
- only certain instances can be launched
- for big data
- can’t span multiple AZ
- group of instances that are each placed on distinct underlying hardware
- recommended for applications that small number of critical instances that should be kept separate from each other