- 2024-12-06 ◦ Kubernetes on HetzOner
- 2022-11-14 ◦ GitHub - javiramos1/CKAD-exercises: A set of exercises to prepare for Certified Kubernetes Application Developer exam by Cloud Native Computing Foundation
- 2022-10-06 ◦ Kubernetes Hardening Guidance
- 2022-09-30 ◦ Kubernetes Security: 10 Best Practices from the Industry and Community
2023-09-21 ◦ The 5 Biggest Risks and Rewards of Adopting Kubernetes
2022-12-20 ◦ Top 7 Benefits of Kubernetes | IBM
In fact, Kubernetes is the fastest growing project in the history of open-source software, after Linux. According to a 2021 study by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), from 2020 to 2021, the number of Kubernetes engineers grew by 67% to 3.9 million. That’s 31% of all backend developers, an increase of 4 percentage points in a year.
- 2024-06-06 ◦ Some assembly (K8s game as lego)
- 2024-04-18 ◦ A beautiful GitOps day - Build your self-hosted Kubernetes cluster · Okami101 Blog
- 2024-04-18 ◦ My road to self hosted kubernetes with k3s
- 2024-04-18 ◦ Provision k3s on Google Cloud with Terraform and k3sup – Nimble
2025-01-30 ◦ Kubernetes security fundamentals: Networking | Datadog Security Labs
2024-06-04 ◦ Amazon EKS Pod Identity: a new way for applications on EKS to obtain IAM credentials | Containers
2024-01-25 ◦ Kubernetes Scheduling and Secure Design
2024-01-11 ◦ Kubernetes Security: Lucidchart
- Awesome charts related to the architecture and attack vectors of the components related to K8s
2023-12-20 ◦ Deep dive into the new Amazon EKS Cluster Access Management features | Datadog Security Labs
2023-12-13 ◦ AWS EKS Best Practices Guides
2023-12-12 ◦ Kubernetes security fundamentals: API Security | Datadog Security Labs
2023-10-12 ◦ KubeHound: Identifying attack paths in Kubernetes clusters | Datadog Security Labs
2023-10-09 ◦ Kubernetes security fundamentals: Introduction | Datadog Security Labs
2023-09-13 ◦ How to Hack Kubernetes (and How to Protect It)
2023-08-09 ◦ Kubernetes Security | Operating Kubernetes Clusters and Applications Safely (book)
In the book we explore security concepts including defense in depth, least privilege, and limiting the attack surface. We discuss and show how to secure clusters, and you’ll also learn how Kubernetes uses authentication and authorization. The book will teache you how to secure container images against known vulnerabilities and abuse by third parties, enforce policies on the container runtime level as well as the networking level, and give you to rundown on how to handle sensitive information such as credentials.
2023-07-03 ◦ How to Hack Kubernetes (and How to Protect It)
2023-05-08 ◦ Kubernetes Security Part 1 - Security Contexts - Shishir’s Blog
2023-03-29 ◦ Kubernetes architecture: How to use hierarchical namespaces for multiple tenants | Enable Architect
2023-01-19 ◦ Kubernetes Security Best Practices For Developers
2022-12-20 ◦ Security implications of Kubernetes operators | Snyk
2022-12-20 ◦ Infrastructure security advantages of leveraging Kubernetes - Bridgecrew Blog