- concept of prana was documented around the same time in India and China (3000 years ago)
- the Chinese called it chi
- they believed the body has channels that connect organs and tissues (as prana power lines)
- the Japanese had ki
- the Greeks had pneuma
- Hebrews ruah
- over the years cultures have developed lots of methods to maintain a steady flow of prana
- acupuncture
- yoga (postures)
- spicy foods also contain large doses of prana
- but the most poweful technique was to inhale prana
- in Hinduismus it means life or life energy
Links to this note
- Breath - The New Science of a Lost Art
- Pranayama
- setzt sich aus den Wörtern Prana (Lebensenergie) und Yama (Lehre) zusammen
- on the concepts of [Prana](/t/prana/)